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What time does the Festival start and end?

The MOVEMENT Night Show starts at 09:00 PM and ends at 03:00 AM. We recommend showing up at the gate early because security checks may generate delays.

At what time can I enter the Festival?

You can enter at any time between 09:00 PM and 03:00 AM. We recommend always arriving early because there may be queue at the entrance.

Is it possible to re-enter once you leave?

For security reasons, you cannot re-enter once you've left. So make sure you have what you need with you before you get in.

I lost an item during the Festival. What can I do?

Fill in this form to be contacted if your item is found.

Can I buy the ticket for another person?

Of course! First add a ticket to the shopping cart and then create the account. When entering the details of the ticket holder, you should write the name of the other person. This is not allowed for tickets purchased with the "Bonus Cultura" (18App).

Where can I download my ticket?

Log in to your account at the following link and click on the corresponding order.

Can I give away or sell a ticket paid with the "Bonus Cultura" (18App)?

No, the "Bonus Cultura" is strictly personal and the rules explicitly forbid the transfer or resale of the ticket to third parties.

Are there benefits for people with access requirements?

Admission is free for a companion of a disabled attendee. The disabled attendee should first purchase his/her ticket and then fill in the form available at this link no later than October 24. Please consider that this applies only to people with permanent disabilities, thus not in case of fractures, recent injuries, or pregnancy.

Is there a different entrance for people with access requirements?

OGR does not have architectural barriers so there are no special access procedures for disabled participants.